Dr Russya Connor

is the Creative Philosopher and expert in Creativity and Play for better thinking and doing.  

the little playbook

The Little Playbook

As some of you may know, playfulness ‘is the base for my professional and personal life.
My clients often expressed how difficult it is for them to find that sense of playfulness,
how this enchanting essence seemed to slip through their fingers like grains of sand.
They shared how they yearn for moments of wonder, for a deeper connection with their own emotions and desires. They’ve been asking for examples and practical ways to incorporate more play into their daily routines, without being “childish”. This prompted me to share how I use playfulness as a guiding star, to navigate my own inner landscape with curiosity, resilience and courage. 

If you are intrigued, I have orchestrated a straightforward way for you to secure your copy (if you are living in Australia -otherwise its available through the usual outlets). Here is the process

1.Payment:  kindly proceed to the PayPal link provided below to acquire “The Little Playbook.” at $29.00 + $ 6.60 postage for a total of $35.60  

2. Address and Dispatch:  send an email with your postal address, a critical juncture that facilitates the seamless delivery of your book.

3.Awaiting Discovery: Following the receipt of your address and payment, “The Little Playbook” will be poised to embark on its expedition to your location.

P.S. I encourage you to share this with fellow playful souls who might find resonance in the pages of “The Little Playbook.”

The ripple of curiosity knows no bounds

Stay Playful. Be creative.

A Ted talk, if you want to know more about the power of play


She is someone who understands the creative mind and creative processing within a therapeutic context.


Thanks Russya for reminding me of the pure joy that is available to me

Clare Gorden, Music teacher

I felt acceptance, encouragement, laughter, belonging, valued, allowed to making mistakes and growing

Tracy Collins, Youth care